Cardiovascular disorders are disorders related to abnormal blood circulation in the body via the heart. There are multiple issues that can contribute to CVDs and the most common of all is the blockage in the arteries or the vein. Angiography or Angiogram is a special and modern version of an X-ray test to find out if you have a blockage in a coronary artery where and by how much. You can get a comprehensive picture of the overall circulation in the heart and rest of the body.
Angiography is recommended if you have:
- Symptoms of coronary artery disease, such as chest pain (angina)
- A heart valve problem that requires surgery
- New or increasing chest pain (unstable pain)
- A heart defect you were born with called congenital heart disease
- Abnormal results on a non-invasive heart stress test
- Other blood vessel problems or a chest injury
Angiography is a relatively safe procedure, but few things need to be kept in mind before going for this:
- Do not eat or drink at least 8 hours before the procedure.
- It is recommended to stay in the hospital after the procedure.
- Any previous medical history should be told to the doctor before getting this test done.
- Avoid Blood-thinners or vasospastic medicines before the test.